Daily Doc Day 0


I started writing these types of posts on twitter but broadly due to the nature of twitter being largely annoying to be on and disruptive to having a good focused life I stopped (also the character limit is annoying). But then I found which is cool and uses markdown which is my preferred way of writing these docs and articles, notes etc in general now. Given this discovery I want to give it a shot to document the daily docs and write articles I keep forgetting to post on substack. It's not going to be attractive or anything, for a while at least. I'm just hoping it upkeeps the habit of writing and I finally meet my aspirations of giving blogging and article writing a fair try. Might start some fiction short stories here as well who knows. Below is the starting of these docs officially. I've changed some of the long-term goals but broadly I've kept it to roughly knowledge based goals that I want to learn about

Starting thoughts:

Using these docs as a uniformly document my days.

The hope is that I'll document some sort of growth. Bon voyage.

Long-term Goals:

Get good at full-stack, DSA, Mathematics, ML and learn more lower level and infrastructure stuff. Learn product design and management. More precisely:


Just simply documenting what I did, what I learned and reflections of the day working under the headers below.

What I did.

What I learned.

Reflections and mood.

#challenge #daily-doc #learning